Leon Hauser
About Leon: Leon is a 17 year old boy who's in his senior year in high school. He has two giant scars from a fight he had with a boy about his age one time. He lives in a 21"x18" 2 story cottage. He was a hardcore gamer. Every day when he got home from school, he turned on his Playstation and started playing, until one day he got it taken away because he shot somebody for self defense.
Leon's Story: A long time ago, when Leon was about 15, he got in a fist fight with a kid about his age, and then the kid pulled out a shotgun and shot him in the shoulder and the leg. He had to get his whole left shoulder and right kneecap replaced, and as a present he was given the shotgun he was nearly killed with. He used to live in a house with his mom, dad, and dog, until a local gang tracked them down, and they were forced to evacuate. Shortly after, the gang murdered the dog. They all moved to different parts of the country, and god only knows where his parents are.
Status: Alive
Relationship Status: Single
Age: 17
Occupation: Guard of the gate between Earth and Hell
Weapons: Shotgun, Dual 9MM pistols, 10MM SMG, and Katana.
Race: Human/Wolf Hybrid
Gender: Male
S.O: Straight
Height: 6'4"
Powers: Shapeshifting, Teleportation, and Time travel
Personality: Very adventurous. Friendly, but sometimes sad. If you get on his bad side, be
prepared to be greeted by a very, very angry wolf
Appearance: Pictures. Sometimes wears a Black beanie and leather jacket.
"Oh, are you hurt? Let me put you out of your misery..."
- Leon, to a limping gang member